Health Index

health index

How is your employees health?

The Health Index present in a simple and comprehensive manner the health stayus of emplyees within your organization. Through an evulation and score of each key performance indicator on a scale of 1 to 20 points, the health in the organization is assessed.

With the Health Index, you get:

  • Assistance in processing and presenting 9 key performance indicators within health.
  • A historical overview of the development of health in your organization over time.
  • Opportunity to compare the health within your organization internally, for example at department level.
  • Opportunity to compare your organization´s health with others in the industry.
  • Foundation for conducting goal-oriented health initiatives, including ready-made charts and tables to download and present.

The nine key indicators that comprise the Health Index

the nine key performance indicators by which your organization’s health is analyzed are: