Attractive Employer Index(AVI)®


How good are the working conditions in your organization?

Attractive Employer Index describes the working conditions in your organization – based on the premise that good working conditions lead to engagement, efficiency and increase the organization´s ability to attract new employees.

With the Attractive Employer Index, you get:

  • Assistans in processing 25 key performance indicators within personnel structure, HR activities, employee responses and business results.
  • A historical overview of how working conditions have changed in your organization over time.
  • The opportunity to compare your organization´s working conditions internally, for example, at the departmental level.
  • the opportunity to compare your organization´s working conditions with others in the industry.
  • Foundation for conducting goal-orieented work, concerning working conditions, including ready-made charts and tables to download and present.

The nine indicators that comprise the Attractive Employer Index

The nine key performance indicators by wich your organization´s working conditions are analyzed are: